Reaching Alice Springs, aka: "The Alice," meant we had driven the same distance as if we had gone from Los Angeles, CA to Topeka, KS. It also meant we had completed Planned Destination #2, visit Ayers Rock, now known to us as Uluru. Destination #3 was still ahead, The Great Barrier Reef along the NE coastline. We still had a lot of ground to cover, the distance from Kansas to Boston, MA, and Mum's Taxi was holding up well.
Along the way to Alice Springs, we encountered camels and ostrichs on a farm outside of town. Pictures are below.
It was hotter than hot that day, so we checked into the Melanka Lodge and checked emails at the Byte Me Internet Cafe. Now, ten years later, I heard through the Internet grapevine that the Melanka has been torn down. Maybe the outback heat was too much for it.
Melanka Lodge pool

Melanka Lodge