This was our introduction to Australia's "Big Things." This whale, in Eucla, Western Australia, represents whale watching season along a stretch of southern coastline known as the Great Australian Bight. I learned about the term "Big Things" long after I came home from this trip, and it's the only way to describe the giant sculptures we found along the way. Turns out there are dozens of big things scattered throughout the island continent representing the focus of the region. These works of art may be a bit rough around the edges, but they certainly get our attention....and plenty of mentions on blogs.
We ended the long day of driving, the first full day in the Nullarbor Plain, here in Eucla near the Western Australia/South Australia state border. We were glad to have a roof over our heads and air conditioning at the Eucla Motor Hotel. I'd insert a link to the hotel's website, but there isn't one. After extensive googling, I couldn't find a picture of the hotel either. I suppose they get enough business without the need for advertising. Mum's Taxi, our 1983 Ford, ran like a champ. Ford built those cars to withstand the heat of the outback, and I'm here to tell you they succeeded.